EGB Engineering

With expertise in the field of renewable power and propulsion. We provide quality engineering products and services to OEM and end-user clients

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm icon_widget_image 28 Beaumont Avenue, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25 0BB icon_widget_image +44 1636 600539 icon_widget_image

Balance Of Plant

Our reputation for engineering excellence has been achieved through the delivery of consistent and superior performance standards

Nuclear Energy

Balance Of Plant

EGB Engineering is able to analyse various plant configurations that apply to current and Advanced Nuclear Technologies (ANTs) including the Balance of Plant. This is a capability within HYPER-ION. EGB Engineering is able to support R&D fission and fusion projects in the modelling and simulation of a range of cycles to understand the best configuration and layout for design and off-design performance and plant efficiency. Modelling and simulation capabilities including representing typical components such as the reactor, precooler, heat exchangers and power conversation systems.