EGB Engineering

With expertise in the field of renewable power and propulsion. We provide quality engineering products and services to OEM and end-user clients

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm icon_widget_image 28 Beaumont Avenue, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25 0BB icon_widget_image +44 1636 600539 icon_widget_image


Our reputation for engineering excellence has been achieved through the delivery of consistent and superior performance standards


EGB Engineering has a proven track record of successfully developing and delivering power generation projects utilising a variety of technologies. These include conventional thermal generation utilising coal, gas and oil, to renewable applications utilising wind, hydro, solar and biomass.


Power Generation Solutions

Power by Cogeneration

EGB and partners specialize in the design and manufacturing of gas and diesel engines for various applications. Dependent on project requirements one can choose from a wide range of generator sets with and without heat recovery and co-generation.

The generator sets are designed for power production in island or parallel mode with other generators and or utilities.

Applications and installations vary from hospitals, resorts, biogas plants, municipal district heating etc. where power and or heat is required.

Power Generation Solutions


Wind turbines use the wind to drive turbines directly. They have huge blades mounted on a tall tower. The blades are connected to a ‘nacelle’, or housing, which contains gears linked to a generator. As the wind blows, it transfers some of its kinetic energy to the blades, which turn and drive a generator. Deployed to supplement on and off-grid applications with battery storage.

Power Generation Solutions

Power by Trigeneration

Trigeneration or combined heat power and cooling (CHPC) systems take the concept of cogeneration to the next level. Trigeneration systems produce electricity along with useful heat and cooling water. Here the heat recovered from the engine is used in absorption chillers. These heat driven chillers are able to provide cold water for utilization in air conditioning systems or for process water.

Combining a CHP or cogeneration plant with an absorption refrigeration system allows utilization of seasonal excess heat for cooling. The hot water from the cooling circuit of the plant serves as drive energy for the absorption chiller. The hot exhaust gas from the gas engine can also be used as an energy source for steam generation, which can then be utilized as an energy source for a highly efficient, double-effect steam chiller. Up to 80% of the thermal output of the cogeneration plant is thereby converted to chilled water.

Power Generation Solutions


Solar Panel Systems also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun’s energy using PV cells. These cells don’t need direct sunlight to work. They can still generate electricity on a cloudy day. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run appliances. Can be extensively deployed to supplement on-grid generation or for off-grid applications with battery storage.