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The Future Of The Electric Car

The Future Of The Electric Car

Many questions are raised about the future popularity of electric vehicles. However, sustainable travel is a highly anticipated  in the market and is a growing industry.

Recently, EGB has written an article about hydroelectricity being using in aviation, and other ways in which renewable energy is growing.

The following six points are potential reasons for growth in popularity for electric cars

  • Saves time

Instead of stopping your journey to get energy for your vehicle, it is recharged overnight. This not only means that you wont be taking time out of your journey to fuel up, you have everything you need right on your doorstep.

  • New technology will spark your interest

Due to electric cars being new technology, they deliver fast, efficient and reliable technology, as opposed to older models. Furthermore, it sparks an interest in what this new technology is bring to the environment and how enjoyable electric vehicles are to drive.

  • Acceleration

With electric car, there is an instant torque which makes them far more enjoyable to drive. On motorways and in heavy traffic, they reportedly make you feel safer and makes the journey far smoother.

  • Doing your bit

It is important to reflect on your own lifestyle in order to ensure the planet is being looked after. With increasing scares about the environment, an electric car is a suitable step in the right direction to decrease your carbon footprint.

  • Your health

A recent report made by the WHO reflects on the intensity of air pollution, and the harm it is having on people’s lungs. One of the claims made in the report is that 4.2 million deaths every year occur as a result of exposure to ambient air pollution. With electric cars renewable energy and clean fumes, the risk of your lungs and people surrounding you is significantly minimised.

  • Save money

The long-term costs of an electric car is likely to cost less over the term of the ownership compared to diesel and petrol cars.

These benefits appear to be catching the UK’s attention as last year saw the biggest annual increase in number of registrations, with more than 175,000 electric vehicles registered showing a growth of 66% on 2019.

Furthermore, The UK government has announced that it will be “providing £500 million over the next five years to support the rollout of a fast-charging network for electric vehicles, ensuring that drivers will never be further than 30 miles from a rapid charging station.”.

These changes to the roads, making them more sustainable, is a great success for the UK and industry, and the sales in electric cars appear to be on the rise, making them a hopeful investment for the future of Britain.

What are your thoughts on electric cars and will you be willing to invest?